Happy New Year!

30 Dec

32578553Our English teachers, Loreta Dori and Veronica Manescu, and the technical team blog wish you for 2013…


Happy New Year!

Click the button!


Celebrating children

1 Jun

Among all these phenomena, heavy rains, hailstone and strong winds, tragic events,violence, earthquakes and tsunamis, we still have a reason to smile: our children. Seeing them laugh or watching them play should be enough to have us forget all the bad things.


Some of the 3rd graders in our school drew their favourite toys during the Art class, guided by their primary school teacher, Beatrice Marin. Then, together with schoolmates in class 5A, they made wonderful games and toys: dolls, a football pitch, fun parks, a circus and even a miniature town.


Using cardboard, paper, coloured pencils, toothpicks and a lot of creativity, our pupils celebrated Children’s Day in the best way possible, by playing and having fun.




Loreta Dori

Happy Easter!

15 Apr



25 Feb


Today our blog "English & Computers – My Friends" marked the 100th flag. It is a real event because this means we had visitors from 100 countries from all over the world.

We thank those who have been curious enough to visit us and we expect them in the future as well. We’d also like to thank our pupils who contributed essentially to the existence of this blog.

Blog engleza 25 febr. 2012

Signed: Technical Team


14 Feb

imageRoses, heart-shaped chocolates, greeting cards and lots of love-symbols of a special , longed for celebration, Valentine’s Day. Although this year the day of February 14 is almost drowned in a sea of snow, people still celebrate love and shelter spring in their souls. In spite of being ”imported“ from the USA and sometimes seen as a Western kitsch, the Romanians like Valentine’s Day and somehow have adopted it. We have a similar celebration on February 24, called Dragobete named after a character from Romanian folklore who was supposed to be the son of Baba Dochia. Part of his name is the word drag ("dear"), which can also be found in the word dragoste ("love"). In recent years, Romania has also started celebrating Valentine’s Day, despite already having Dragobete as a traditional holiday.


The 5th grade pupils at our school made Valentine cards and placed them on a big red winged heart; it was a very pleasant activity and they enjoyed every minute of it. I hope you’ll like it too.